Hudson Bayou Neighborhood Association
Sarasota, Florida
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Bylaws of Hudson Bayou Neighborhood Association, Inc. - Page 2

ARTICLE IV. Membership Meetings

A. Annual Meeting. The annual meeting of the membership of the Corporation shall be held in May of each year before the end of the school term. One of the purposes of the annual meeting shall be the election of the Board of Directors in even numbered years, all of whom shall take office immediately following election. The annual meeting date may be changed at the discretion of the Board of Directors for good cause.*

B. Other Meetings. In addition to the annual meeting, at least one social meeting shall be held during each year. The Board of Directors shall meet at the call of the President. Special meetings to address current issues may be scheduled as necessary at the call of the President or by written request of at least five (5) members of the Association.

C. Notice. The Secretary shall notify the membership in writing (or by electronic mail) of any annual meeting at least ten (10) days prior to the date of that meeting. The Secretary shall notify the membership in writing (or by electronic mail) of any other business meetings at least five (5) days prior to the date of that meeting.

D. Order of Business at Annual Meetings.
1. Roll Call.
2. Reading of minutes of previous meeting.
3. Report of President.
4. Report of Treasurer.
5. Report of Secretary.
6. Report of Committees.
7. Ratification of annual dues established by the Board of Directors.
8. Election of Directors.
9. Transaction of other business.
10. Adjournment.

ARTICLE V. Board of Directors

A. Number and Term of Directors. The business, property and affairs of the Corporation shall be managed by a Board of Directors composed of the officers and eight (8) persons *** who shall be voting members of the Corporation. Each director shall hold office for a two-year term or until his successor is elected. The initial election of directors shall create staggered terms. Each director may serve two consecutive terms.

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Hudson Bayou Links:
Video of Hudson Bayou
History of Bungalow Hill

Sarasota Links:
City of Sarasota
Neighborhoods, Special Proj.



© Copyright Hudson Bayou Neighborhood Association 2023-2024
A Florida Not-for-Profit Corporation